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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Scam hypnosis and life lessons

Last night I went to an event with a hypnosis who had people come up on stage and be hypnotized. 

He made sure to tell people that "hypnosis won't make you do anything against your morals, religion, or values" and said that all hypnosis is "self hypnosis". 

The hypnotist got them in a state (or tried to) which was essentially guided meditation. Okay, sure, that's legitimate. I have done meditation in yoga, and you do get into a different state of being. I even have an app on my phone (the silva meditation app) in case I can't sleep—it almost always gets me there. 

But, for several people to get into a supposed higher state with simply five minutes if quiet, some eery music, and listening to some guys voice is bogus. 
(meditation takes practice!!)

It was like the teenage girls in the Salem witch trials who were convinced that witches were messing with them. It's like when your friends are drunk, and even if you're not you act a little tipsy. Its the power of suggestion, a hypochondriac hears she had lunch with someone who has a cold and suddenly she's down with the flu!

Pretty soon the "hypnotist" had these people eating out of his hands, for the sake of a laugh and his pay check. 

He told the men they were professional "butt shakers" and sure enough, they were up shaking their rears like Shakira. 

He told them that when ever he said the word microphone it was as if he let out a huge fart. Lovely. 

What civilized entertainment. What sophisticated humor. 
Farts and butt shaking. 

I am reminded of scams in history which we are so supposedly above—indulgences in the catholic church, cure all remedies of the 19th and early 20th centuries, even cults. 

And yet, I still laughed. Because, well, it was funny. And against all prior reserves, it was entertainment (though lacking any sort of intelligence) for the night. 

So sometimes, it's better to laugh at the ridiculous, then to humbug through ignorance. Life's just too short not to

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