This summer, a summer of transition, and moving away from tradition has made me aware of its rarity and the importance of both remembering it, as well as preserving it.
Sometimes we have to put ourselves in awkward situations.
But if that awkward situation is taking a picture- an awkward moment that may take seconds but preserve a memory that will carry through, years from now, who cares?
Don't get me wrong- for a while there, I thought: what do I need a picture for, enjoy the moment.
And fine, that argument can hold up.
But if you've ever asked someone over 50 about a time in their youth, a trip, a friend, you'll take that picture.
If you've ever scrounged around for pictures to make a special birthday card for someone, you'll know.
I'd also like to note, that just because you take pictures, does not mean that you need to put ALL of them on facebook, tumblr, or whatever. In fact, I'm saying, don't. It takes the privacy and specialness out of it.
So, this summer, my challenge is to enjoy the summer, take pictures, and savor most, eeking out only a few for the social media websites.
Maybe instead, appreciate what a picture is- a moment captured, between those who were actually in the picture.